Platon Tinios

Economista presso l'Università del Pireo, Grecia. Ha studiato a Cambridge e Oxford ed è stato Consulente Speciale del Primo Ministro dal 1996 al 2004. I suoi interessi di ricerca includono le pensioni, la riforma delle politiche sociali, e lo studio delle società che invecchiano.

Economist at the University of Pireus, in Greece. He studied at Cambridge and Oxford, his research interests are focused on pensions, social politics and aging societies.



From the summer of 2012 the political situation will be one of extreme polarisation between two new players: in opposition will be a bloc deeply hostile to reform and identifying it as an infringement of national independence. And a governing coalition of parties whose main objective is to remain within the euro, accompanied by a (reluctant) understanding that the price for that is a programme of reforms demanded by creditors

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