inGenere is a web magazine providing information, insights and proposals on economic and social issues in a gender perspective. We publish analysis and editorials, edit daily contents on gender topics and readings, share Italian and international research and studies on feminist issues. The Italian readers are kept up to date through a fortnightly newsletter.

Launched in December 2009 by a group of women economists, the magazine was born from the awareness that gender studies carried out by academics, gender experts and NGOs do not always reach the public sphere, remaining unknown even to those who would benefit from their results. Our aim is to make research and practices circulate and contribute to an informed debate and more aware policy-makers.

Many things have changed since 2009, but some needs have remained the same: today, inGenere is among the most influential magazines in Italy dealing with gender issues. Its ultimate ambition is to serve as a space for thought, action, culture and knowledge, promoting the value of diversity, towards a furter more innovative and fairer world. 

The editorial staff of inGenere is composed of an operational team of professionals in the field of Communication, together with an editorial board of teachers and experts in different subjects. The magazine, published by Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini, is supported by women scholars, researchers and journalists who contribute as external collaborators.  


Editor in Chief

Senior gender expert at Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini, her topics of expertise are gender mainstreaming, violence against women, women in science and gender communication. She is one of the founding members of Tuba, the women's bookshop in Rome opened...


Journalist and writer. She holds a Master’s Degree in Communication Theory and has a professional background in digital publishing. In the editorial board of the webzine inGenere and contributor for the Italian newspaper Il Manifesto, she works as a...

Editorial board
She teaches Labour Economics and Microeconometric Applications at the University of Siena. She is Member of the Editorial Board of international and national journals in her areas of expertise, and she has a long track record of scientific...
Editorial board
Journalist. Fields of interest: economy and economic policy, social issues, labour market, gender, education. Regular contributor to L'Espresso. Last book: "L'economia del noi. L'Italia che condivide" (Laterza 2011).
Editorial board
Economist, Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Manchester (UK). She teaches Political Economy (undergraduate level) and Development finance (postgraduate level) at "Sapienza" University of Rome. Her research activity mainly focuses on issues...
Editorial board

Barbara De Micheli is an expert in gender equality and training. Senior project manager, she coordinates the Fodnazione Giacomo Brodolini Master in Gender Equality e Diversity Management, she is part of the coordination team of the Genis Lab – The...

Editorial board
Yasmine Ergas is a sociologist and lawyer. After a period of study in Italy, she has been working and living in the United States. She is the director of the Gender and Public Policy specialization at Columbia University’s School of International and...
Editorial board
She worked for Censis, Eni and Confindustria, dealing with data and analysis concerning labour market, industrial relations and Southern Italy. Demography is her main research interest. She edits the blog "Avanzi di cucina".
Publisher's representative
È tra i responsabili delle attività della Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini. Esperta di organizzazione e gestione di progetti di ricerca su temi socio-economici, ha coordinato per la Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini studi e interventi, in ambito comunitario e...
Editorial board
Sabrina Marchetti (PhD) is Research Associate at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies of the European University Institute in Florence. She specialises on issues of gender, welfare, labour and migration, with a specific focus on the...
Editorial board

Insegna storia dell’economia politica e storia dei mercati finanziari all’Università di Roma Tor Vergata Economista, membro dell’International Association for Feminist Economics. In Italia ha collaborato con numerose amministrazioni locali a progetti...

Editorial board
Annamaria Simonazzi is Professor of Economics at Sapienza University of Rome, Italy. Her research interests range from social policy and employment - including economics of care and family, gender and inequality – to macroeconomics, economics of...
Editorial board

Economista, Ph.D alla University of Cambridge, è docente alla Facoltà di Economia dell’Università degli Studi di Trento. Il campo di ricerca principale è l’economia del lavoro. E’ autrice di numerosi studi con riferimento specifico alle dinamiche...