Gender Equality in the Mirror
Starting from the World Trade Institute's Gender Lecture Series ‘Know the gap! Talking Gender, Equality and Diversity’, which took place from September 2019 to May 2022, Gender Equality in the Mirror explores the structural causes of gender inequality, enquiring issues from local and international legislation to women's participation in international institutions.
The book encapsulates the research of women who provide original analysis of the socio-economic and political drivers of gender justice globally, nvestigating the structural causes of gender inequalities to advance the debate and achieve real transformative social change.
Elisa Fornalé, professor at the World Trade Institute (WTI) of University of Bern, specialized in international law, human rights and migration, promotes a non-ideal gender theory, an approach that calls for capturing gender concerns and inequality as it emerges from a combination of micro and macro dynamics.
The three chapters concern: gender mainstreaming in the field of human rights; women's position in socio-economic issues; and their participation at the international and institutional levels, seeking to analyze the "glass ceiling" that prevents women from reaching decision-making positions.
The goal is to encourage the debate and achieve real social change by offering a new perspective in which the invisibility and exclusion of women in the post-pandemic future can be redressed.