102 articoli



Starting from July, the withdrawal of Turkey from the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women entered into force. Feminists sound a warning: this event may be a spark, encouraging further withdrawals and reinforcing the hands of misogynist and homophobic groups in Europe

8 min read

The recent emergence of digital labour platforms in the care sector marks an upward trend across Europe. Despite this, it is a sector largely ignored by the literature on the platform economy. A report published by Digital Future Society Think Tank, aims to be a first step towards addressing this gap

6 min read

"The attempts to recall Seattle City Councilor Kshama Sawant deserve further scrutiny beyond the reasons offered by her detractors" feminist and economist Stephanie Seguino says, in this short comment on how big investors have every interest in cultivating inequalities

3 min read

It has been widely shown that the consequences of economic crises fall disproportionately on women, particularly on those who belong to the poorer strata of population. The current crisis could trigger the same process in the Global South

5 min read

Confinement to home imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic increased violence against women in all countries. In Turkey, where femicides had reached alarming levels long before the pandemic, not a day goes by without a woman is killed


"We may still be mourning our dead, but time seems to have come to discuss how we guarantee economic survival that, under capitalism, is based on production and work." Social reproduction and the regeneration of capitalist life during the Covid19 pandemic

8 min read

Michelle Obama endorses Hillary Clinton in a speech at the democratic national convention

For the first Women in Science Day GenPORT will release a series of video interviews with leading...