Gender perspectives in mobility

Publication date
Silvia Sansonetti, Roberta Paoletti, Maria Chiara Leva, Ilia Iatrou
Sinistra al Parlamento europeo - GUE/NGL


Mobility for all is a study, funded by the Left Group in the European Parliament, and drafted by Silvia Sansonetti and Roberta Paoletti (Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini), that provides policymakers the tools to include a gender equality perspective in public transportation. 

Building on data about gender and mobility in Europe from the recent Women in transport report, the research is set in the context of Europe's Green deal, linking gender equality to environmental issues. It highlights the importance of accessibility for all to public transportation, which is crucial for sustainable mobility and proposes initiatives that take into account the intersectionality of different factors - gender, sexual orientation, aging and poverty - that can affect both users and workers in the sector. 

The study, presented March 9 at the European Parliament as part of the Overcoming Gender Barriers in Transport and Mobility meeting, is divided into three parts. The first section is dedicated to data analysis, the second provides an overview of best practices, with six examples of participatory design from EU member states, and the third offers a list of elements to consider when designing public transport policies. Among these, active stakeholder involvement, which is essential to adequately respond to user needs and to take an intersectional approach that is sensitive to environmental and gender issues, is rated highly.

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