Elke Van den Brandt

Ha studiato Scienza delle Comunicazioni presso la Vrije Universiteit Brussel e  presso la Universidad Compultense de Madrid. Dopo la laurea ha lavorato come esperta di genere all’ UCOS  (University Centre for Development Cooperation). Da molti anni si interessa di questioni legate a genere e scienza, lavora dal 2004 al RHEA (Centre for Gender and Diversity of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel). È membro di diversi network che analizzano la questione di genere nella scienza.

She has studied Communication sciences at Vrije Universiteit Brussel and at Universidad Compultense de Madrid. After graduating she has worked as gender expert at UCOS (University Centre for Development Cooperation). She has a long-standing interest in gender and science and since 2004 she works at RHEA (Centre for Gender and Diversity of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel). She is member of many networks analysing gender in science.


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