Elisabeth Victoria Lasky

Elisabeth Victoria Lasky (Rome, 1983) is a project officer for ENEGE, the European Commission’s network of experts on gender equality and language editor at FGB. In the past, she has worked in advocacy for the European Citizen Action Service, a Brussels-based think-tank on European citizenship issues.




What has Europe done to ensure an equal representation of men and women in Europe? The study “Electoral Lists ahead of the Elections to the European Parliament from a Gender Perspective”, published on the eve of the election to the European Parliamentary term 2014-2019, maps the representation of women and men on party lists at national level, provides key background information and analyses the effect of gender quotas on candidate lists.

5 min read

Michelle Obama endorses Hillary Clinton in a speech at the democratic national convention

For the first Women in Science Day GenPORT will release a series of video interviews with leading...