Francesca Scrinzi

Senior Lecturer in Sociology at the University of Glasgow, she has researched women and gender relations in populist radical right parties in Europe through the project Gendering Activism in populist Radical Right Parties: A Comparative Study of Women’s and Men’s Participation in The Northern League (Italy) and The National Front (France) (ERC Starting Grant 2012-2014). In 2015-2018, she was Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellow at the European University Institute through a project, titled MIGRANTCHRISTIANITY, which focused on Evangelical migrants in Southern Europe. She has also carried out ethnographic comparative research work on gendered migration and migrant care workers in Italy and France. Among her recent publications: Caring for the elderly in the family or in the nation? Gender, women and migrant care labour in the Lega Nord, West European Politics (2017), and Migration, Masculinities and Reproductive Labour. Men of the Home, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan (2016), co-authored with Ester Gallo. For further information, please see her personal webpage


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