15 articoli



"The attempts to recall Seattle City Councilor Kshama Sawant deserve further scrutiny beyond the reasons offered by her detractors" feminist and economist Stephanie Seguino says, in this short comment on how big investors have every interest in cultivating inequalities

3 min read

Passing the German reform of parental leave took almost ten years of work, but when it finally was lauched it had a significant positive effect on mother's employment rate. Yet legacies of a traditional family model in many of the public policies persist

6 min read

The reactions to the discovery of Özgecan Aslan’s body, and President Erdogan's statements about gender-sensitive moral issues show how gender today is framed in Turkey. But what kind of gender trends has Turkey really witnessed in the last decade?

7 min read

Spanish women face many risks as they are trapped in between a misleading media coverage and the lack of gender impact assessment of policies. The article proposes an analysis of the gendered impacts of the great recession on the Spanish labour market

Michelle Obama endorses Hillary Clinton in a speech at the democratic national convention

For the first Women in Science Day GenPORT will release a series of video interviews with leading...