9 articoli



Despite its crucial role within Europe's economy, there is currently no official data accurately describing domestic and care work, which is still heavily characterised by abuse and exploitation, especially towards women and migrants. A recent survey conducted by European labour organisations provides the first, truly thorough overview of care workers' conditions 


While the pandemic has emphasised the crucial role of care work in industrialised societies, research tells us that it has become a global business, exploiting migrant women by depriving them of their rights and forcing them into unsustainable working conditions. An analysis from an important international debate at the University of Linz, Austria

11 min read
Far from being " a tool for liberation and democracy" , social media have been revealing more and more their darker side, being the preferred vehicle to the spread of gendered disinformation as well...
3 min read
By striking down the 1973 "Roe v. Wade" decision, the U.S. Supreme Court has directly affected the health and rights of women and girls, moving into a public discourse that has gained ground and...
3 min read

Starting from the latest news, Yasmine Ergas explains how the Texas Heartbeat Act creates a scorched earth around any woman who might attempt to, or has had, an abortion.

6 min read

Legislating on any matter and legislating specially on maternity and paternity at work needs a coherent work from the national legislators and these legislators as representatives of their people’s may not continue neither remaining silent and therefore not legislating at all on maternity and paternity protection at work, nor these national legislators may continue copying Labour Codes enacted by authorities from countries, cultures and economic realities completely opposite to their own countries.

5 min read

Interview with Marinella Perroni, theologian. “What the carefully staged resignment of Benedict XVI has shown is that everything can change. But for change to actually happen, the Church would have to welcome the female point of view. Something that goes well beyond the ordination of women”. 

4 min read

Michelle Obama endorses Hillary Clinton in a speech at the democratic national convention

For the first Women in Science Day GenPORT will release a series of video interviews with leading...