18 articoli



The Hungarian Recovery and Resilience Plan ignores the EU expectations concerning gender mainstreaming and the effects that the measures could have on gender equality are not mentioned.

4 min read

A special State-guaranteed revolving fund for Small and Medium Enterprises was set up in Italy in the year 2000. The fund specifically addresses the many cases of women entrepreneurs who need credit to launch or develop their business

6 min read

A wake-up call from the United States: with the pension system crysis, it becomes crucial to know how to manage our assets and make them bear fruit. And also, women are single in different stages of life and always longer: it is no more possible to leave the control of investments and savings to men.

6 min read

Programmes of financial education for women have a number of positive benefits for them, for their families and for their countries. Interview with the Ocse consultant Sue Lewis

6 min read

Michelle Obama endorses Hillary Clinton in a speech at the democratic national convention

For the first Women in Science Day GenPORT will release a series of video interviews with leading...