4 articoli

pay gap


When the home is transformed into the workplace of the mobile professional and the self-employed creative freelancer as well as the sphere of consumption work, it becomes an arena in which physical, administrative, caring, and affective labour compete. Expecially for women

6 min read

A wake-up call from the United States: with the pension system crysis, it becomes crucial to know how to manage our assets and make them bear fruit. And also, women are single in different stages of life and always longer: it is no more possible to leave the control of investments and savings to men.

6 min read

Spanish women face many risks as they are trapped in between a misleading media coverage and the lack of gender impact assessment of policies. The article proposes an analysis of the gendered impacts of the great recession on the Spanish labour market

Michelle Obama endorses Hillary Clinton in a speech at the democratic national convention

For the first Women in Science Day GenPORT will release a series of video interviews with leading...