Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the mightiest of them all? The legacy of Golden Dawn Women’s belief in the Amazonian ideal. A myth that has a long and complex history in Greek culture, dating back to ancient times
In the midst of population aging and population shrinking, Japan experiences a hitherto unknown degree of de-familiarization of eldercare. The already shortage prone health-care labor market subsequently has been opened up to international health-caregivers, even if only half-heartedly
Less than 20 years ago domestic workers began to demand rights and recognition. A new series shows that while they’ve made substantial progress, there is still a long way to go
If we want to understand the current particular conditions of Syrian refugees in Turkey and their plight, we need to look at it through the lens of the complex migratory history of the country
Female genital mutilation is still perceived in many countries as a symbolic step in the construction of gender identity. The practice exists also in immigration countries. But alternative rites are being fostered. Interview with Nafissatou Diop, coordinator of the Unicef and Unfpa programme "accelerating change"
A closer look at the nature of migrant workers' role in the economy suggests complex outcomes for women