Gina Pavone

Journalist and web editor for She has written for various news magazines, websites and press agencies. 



Female genital mutilation is still perceived in many countries as a symbolic step in the construction of gender identity. The practice exists also in immigration countries. But alternative rites are being fostered. Interview with Nafissatou Diop, coordinator of the Unicef and Unfpa programme "accelerating change"

8 min read

Many women need to be remainded of the financial basis of their personal indepencence. But once they understand, they do not trust easily in mainstream promises of the financial industry.

7 min read

Italy has a brand new law that garantees gender balance on boards, a law that is necessary but it's not enough. Interview with Morten Huse, scholar of corporate governance that studied the impact of women on business performance.

8 min read

Michelle Obama endorses Hillary Clinton in a speech at the democratic national convention

For the first Women in Science Day GenPORT will release a series of video interviews with leading...