10 articoli


Far from being " a tool for liberation and democracy" , social media have been revealing more and more their darker side, being the preferred vehicle to the spread of gendered disinformation as well...
3 min read

Starting from July, the withdrawal of Turkey from the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women entered into force. Feminists sound a warning: this event may be a spark, encouraging further withdrawals and reinforcing the hands of misogynist and homophobic groups in Europe

8 min read

Confinement to home imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic increased violence against women in all countries. In Turkey, where femicides had reached alarming levels long before the pandemic, not a day goes by without a woman is killed


The reactions to the discovery of Özgecan Aslan’s body, and President Erdogan's statements about gender-sensitive moral issues show how gender today is framed in Turkey. But what kind of gender trends has Turkey really witnessed in the last decade?

7 min read

Violence against women in India is endemic to society, and is also justified by distinctions of caste. After the gang rape of Delhi and the subsequent wave of protests, the government has implemented measures to increase penalties and expand the range of penalties. To keep attention focused on gender violence is necessary, however, a cultural movement that reaches young people and the new middle class.

7 min read

Michelle Obama endorses Hillary Clinton in a speech at the democratic national convention

For the first Women in Science Day GenPORT will release a series of video interviews with leading...