Marina Ranga

Marina Ranga è visiting professor alla Stanford University. È stata un membro del Gender Advisory Board delle Nazioni Unite e dal 2007 fa parte del gruppo di esperti per l’innovazione e la competitività per la Commissione Economica delle Nazioni Unite. I suoi interessi di ricerca includono l’innovazione dei sistemi regionali e nazionali, la Triple Helix interaction e la dimensione di genere in materia di innovazione, trasferimento tecnologico e imprenditorialità.


Marina Ranga is visiting professor at the university of Stanford. She has been a member of the Gender Advisory Board of the UN Commission for Science and Technology for Development since the Board's inception in 1995, and a member of the UN Economic Commission for Europe's Expert Group on Innovation and Competitiveness Policies since 2007. Her research interests include national and regional innovation systems, Triple Helix interactions and the evolution of the entrepreneurial university, as well as the gender dimension in innovation, technology transfer and entrepreneurship.


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