Antigone Lyberaki

Docente di Economia presso l'Università Panteion di Atene. Ha studiato ad Atene e presso l' Institute of Development Studies (IDS) in Sussex, UK. Insegna il primo corso di Economia Femminista della Grecia e i suoi interessi di ricerca sono: migrazioni, famiglia, piccole e medie imprese, genere e invecchiamento delle società.

Antigone Lyberaki is Professor of Economics at Panteion University in Athens. She has a Ph.D. in Economics and an M.Phil in Development Studies from Sussex University. She teaches the first course of Feminist Economics in Greece. Her current research interests are migration, family, small and medium-sized firms, ageing societies and gender.



From the summer of 2012 the political situation will be one of extreme polarisation between two new players: in opposition will be a bloc deeply hostile to reform and identifying it as an infringement of national independence. And a governing coalition of parties whose main objective is to remain within the euro, accompanied by a (reluctant) understanding that the price for that is a programme of reforms demanded by creditors

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