7 articoli

home care


Despite its crucial role within Europe's economy, there is currently no official data accurately describing domestic and care work, which is still heavily characterised by abuse and exploitation, especially towards women and migrants. A recent survey conducted by European labour organisations provides the first, truly thorough overview of care workers' conditions 


While the pandemic has emphasised the crucial role of care work in industrialised societies, research tells us that it has become a global business, exploiting migrant women by depriving them of their rights and forcing them into unsustainable working conditions. An analysis from an important international debate at the University of Linz, Austria

11 min read

The recent emergence of digital labour platforms in the care sector marks an upward trend across Europe. Despite this, it is a sector largely ignored by the literature on the platform economy. A report published by Digital Future Society Think Tank, aims to be a first step towards addressing this gap

6 min read

In the midst of population aging and population shrinking, Japan experiences a hitherto unknown degree of de-familiarization of eldercare. The already shortage prone health-care labor market subsequently has been opened up to international health-caregivers, even if only half-heartedly

6 min read

Spanish women face many risks as they are trapped in between a misleading media coverage and the lack of gender impact assessment of policies. The article proposes an analysis of the gendered impacts of the great recession on the Spanish labour market

Michelle Obama endorses Hillary Clinton in a speech at the democratic national convention

For the first Women in Science Day GenPORT will release a series of video interviews with leading...