Despite its crucial role within Europe's economy, there is currently no official data accurately describing domestic and care work, which is still heavily characterised by abuse and exploitation, especially towards women and migrants. A recent survey conducted by European labour organisations provides the first, truly thorough overview of care workers' conditions
While the pandemic has emphasised the crucial role of care work in industrialised societies, research tells us that it has become a global business, exploiting migrant women by depriving them of their rights and forcing them into unsustainable working conditions. An analysis from an important international debate at the University of Linz, Austria
Transnational brokerage of domestic work and social inequalities, the case of Sri Lanka, from where, in the last forty years large numbers of women have been migrating as domestic workers to the oil-rich Arabian Gulf
The Covid-19 crisis has unearthed a long pre-existing and much deeper care crisis. The EU Care Atlas illustrates the urgent need to look beyond the mere gender pay gap to understand the full extent of gender imbalances
Developments and high penetration rates of communication and information technologies have been fuelling the expansion of digital platforms specialised in home care. Use of algorithms and business models in Spain
The recent emergence of digital labour platforms in the care sector marks an upward trend across Europe. Despite this, it is a sector largely ignored by the literature on the platform economy. A report published by Digital Future Society Think Tank, aims to be a first step towards addressing this gap
When considering the time spent on domestic chores, total working hours of women are greater than those of men. In addition to working more, women are the majority in unpaid and low paid jobs. Data on Brazil
The recent “Cura Italia” (Care for Italy) decree, issued by the Italian Government, does not “take care” of domestic workers, home-based caregivers for the elderly and child minders. But precisely this sector should be our starting point, if we want to reflect on a new form of democracy, states the appeal launched by a group of researchers
Even though the research on care robots has not led to their wider industrialisation, the market of service robots is increasing steadily and the growth is expected to be significant in the coming years
Paid elderly care-work in Italy: the case of not-for-profit private organizations, social cooperatives which provide domiciliary services and employ mainly migrant women in the cities of Milan and Reggio Emilia
Not all au pairs are exploited, but they do all carry out domestic work in conditions that have been identified as encouraging maltreatment. Recognising them as workers is a first step towards ensuring their fair treatment, but it is only a first step
Annalisa Marinelli, author of The City of care (Liguori, 2015) reflects about the semantics of the word "care" and the ways in which it engages our imagination on the bodies in space