Starting from the latest news, Yasmine Ergas explains how the Texas Heartbeat Act creates a scorched earth around any woman who might attempt to, or has had, an abortion.
The absence of a national strategy to provide widespread access to information and high-quality services in Italy results in the extremely low ranking of the country on all of the indicators monitored by the European Barometer of Women’s Access to Modern Contraceptive Choice
In the midst of population aging and population shrinking, Japan experiences a hitherto unknown degree of de-familiarization of eldercare. The already shortage prone health-care labor market subsequently has been opened up to international health-caregivers, even if only half-heartedly
For a fuller comparative understanding of surrogacy, it is beneficial to contemplate U.S. surrogates’ point of view. Their views, although consequential, are often ignored by both opponents and proponents of this practice
Gender inequalities have influenced science, medicine, and engineering. But gender bias in research limits the potential benefit of science and technology to society
How incorporating sex and gender aspects in biomedical and health research will lead to a better health care
Oocyties markets, surrogacy, womb rental... Are our bodies marketable commodities?